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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs on ThePhysicist

  • What is ThePhysicist?

    ThePhysicist is an individually run Physics Blog that aspires to bridge the gaps between different levels in academic science education and technology-driven industry.
    For more information on the Blogger, visit About.
    For more information on ThePhysicist Blog, read the WhitePaper

  • Why another online courses site when there are enough already?

    Knowledge is limitless. So are the ways to acquire knowledge. The ways that suit some might not suit the others. Moreover, when it comes to learning Physics, there still is a dearth of methods to make the concepts of Physics intuitive while maintaining the standard scientific rigour. ThePhysicist is a venture in this direction. These gaps between intuitive understanding and rote academic learning must, by all means, be eliminated. The courses and contents built by ThePhysicist aim to train the lay person’s intuition to make it scientifically consistent.
    Obviously, perfection is a lifelong process.  

  • What are the products and services offered?

    The products on ThePhysicist are broadly divided into 2 categories.
    Online Physics Courses (being continuously developed, revised and added) to be purchased individually, priced in INR(₹)
    Sitewide membership-based access to premium content and courses, priced in USD($).  

  • What are the Returns and Refunds policies?

    The Returns and Refunds policies are part of ThePhysicist User Policies that are already stated in the White Paper. Read ThePhysicist Return and Refund Policies. 
