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[Solved] How 360° is complete angle ?

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How 360° is complete angle ?

1 Answer

If you mean that why a circle or any closed loop makes an angle $360^\circ$ with its centre or any internal point, then here is the answer.

Considering a circle (also applies to any closed loop in 2D) to consist of $360^\circ$ is actually convention with the following origin:

The evolution of the calendar system in various ancient cultures had one similarity. They all referred to the motion of the Sun in the sky. The Sun apparently makes a full circle in a year. Most ancient cultures rounded up the number of days in a year to be 360. In the ancient Hindu Vedic calendar system or astrology, there are 30 days in a month and there are 12 months in a year. This inspired the mathematicians to consider the circle to have $360^\circ$. To correct for the discrepancies between the actual 365 days in a year and the 360 days per year in the calendar, they used correctional methods that added an additional month in a certain amount of years.

This convention has lasted for thousands of years for the following reason:
360 is a very convenient number for real-life divisions. For example, 360 is divisible by all the numerical digits from 0 to 9, except for 7. Thus having a circle with a complete angle $360^\circ$ helps us to divide a circle into various parts without writing decimals for the partial angles.

Hope this helps.

Please mark the answer as the right answer if you think so.



 Ecliptic with earth and sun animation
Avatar Swati Topic starter 28/07/2021 23:01

@thephysicist thank you

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