2 Steps
- Reach Venus
- Exchange 25000 Atoms
The stability of a nucleus is measured along the same principle of physics that is applied elsewhere; the lesser the energy of a system, the more stable it is. That is, for a system to be stable, has to release some energy during its formation from its constituents.
Mirror Maze at Museum of Science and Industry (Chicago) Mirror Mazes are amazing. They produce intricate optical illusions of various grandeur. Irrespective of the complex structures they produce, all the mirror mazes are based on the simple Physics of geometrical optics, i.e. the laws of reflection. Two plane mirrors, inclined to each other at some…
The Defence Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL) HQ and the Research Centre Imarat (RCI) both situated in Hyderabad communicated with each other as part of the test. The success of the test demonstrated the implementation of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) that makes communication far more secure than classical information technologies.