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Namaste. My name is Bibhusit Tripathy, also known as ThePhysicist.I am a passionate researcher and teacher in Physics with more than 10 years of teaching experience in various JEE, NEET, and Olympiad coaching institutes. I teach Physics to BSc and MSc students as well as to the aspirants of JAM, JEST, CSIR-NET, TIFR, and GATE. While working as a Physics Teacher for over a decade, I am now beginning to enter the academic research in Cosmology. My current research goal is to find possible correlations between cold dark matter and variable scalar field dark energy by investigating their respective influences over the parameters involved in various models such as XCDM, ΛCDM, ΦCDM, and QCDM. I am always interested in and open to challenging research, teaching, and content development assignments where I can use my sharp analytical skills, innovative result-oriented attitude, and productive scientific approach to solve the problems at hand.

Which is the most stable nuclide?

Which is the most stable nuclide?

The stability of a nucleus is measured along the same principle of physics that is applied elsewhere; the lesser the energy of a system, the more stable it is. That is, for a system to be stable, has to release some energy during its formation from its constituents.

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Understanding Inclined Plane Mirrors

Understanding Inclined Plane Mirrors

Mirror Maze at Museum of Science and Industry (Chicago)Mirror Mazes are amazing. They produce intricate optical illusions of various grandeur. Irrespective of the complex structures they produce, all the mirror mazes are based on the simple Physics of geometrical optics, i.e. the laws of reflection. Two plane mirrors, inclined to each other at some angle,… 

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Quantum Communication at DRDO

Quantum Communication at DRDO

The Defence Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL) HQ and the Research Centre Imarat (RCI) both situated in Hyderabad communicated with each other as part of the test. The success of the test demonstrated the implementation of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) that makes communication far more secure than classical information technologies.

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Ad Astra Per Aspera (Part 1)

Ad Astra Per Aspera (Part 1)

“Ad Astra Per Aspera” is a Latin proverb that means “To the Stars through hardship”.This is a series of articles intended to educate aspiring astronomers about observational and theoretical Astronomy. Our discussion will range from the basic unaided techniques to the frontiers of ongoing Astronomical research which will include fun Mathematics and Physics involved in… 

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Combined E&M fields – Tutorial

Combined E&M fields – Tutorial

This tutorial is based on the previous lecture post. It is recommended that you go through the lecture post before continuing with the tutorial.Question:A uniform electric field of strength $E$ acts parallel to the positive Y-axis. A uniform magnetic field of strength $B$ acts parallel to the positive Z-axis. A particle of charge $q$ with… 

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Charged Particle in Coexisting Electric and Magnetic Fields

Charged Particle in Coexisting Electric and Magnetic Fields

This post is categorized as ‘Lecture’ because, even if it is based on a single problem, some important concepts of Physics are illustrated in this.Question:A uniform electric field of strength $E$ acts parallel to the positive Y-axis. A uniform magnetic field of strength $B$ acts parallel to the positive Z-axis. A particle of charge $q$… 

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